Five Ways to Improve Serverless Performance
Serverless is an incredible paradigm, but performance tuning sometimes feels like a black box. You have no control over the...
The Importance of Securing Data in Traces
Trace spans are captured in the runtime after decrypting the request. This means that any sensitive data is available in...
Boosting Application Security Using OpenTelemetry
Every day, we hear about new vulnerabilities or exploits that underline the importance of application security in today's connected world....
Implementing OpenTelemetry OTLP in .Net
The .NET framework is a powerful platform for creating various applications, from web-based services to comprehensive enterprise solutions. Its extensive...
Instrumenting using the Java OpenTelemetry OTLP
Java has long been a foundational pillar in application development, its versatility and robustness serving as key drivers behind its...
NodeJS Instrumentation with the Lumigo OTLP endpoint
As software systems become more complex, navigating their inner workings has become increasingly difficult due to the evolution of more...
Instrumenting Lumigo for Python using OpenTelemetry
Standardized frameworks play a fundamental role in leveling the playing field and setting the standard within the tech industry, ensuring...
Dissecting MySQL Debugging with Node and Python - Part 2
In Part 1 of this blog, we prepared our demo container environments using Docker for the Node Express and Python...
Dissecting MySQL Debugging with Node and Python - Part1
This is the first post in a series of two looking at debugging and tracing MySQL, which has been a...
Understanding How OpenTelemetry can help with PCI Compliance
The early days of e-commerce on the internet resembled a digital Wild West, characterized by unencrypted form inputs and clear-text...
Comparing NestJS and ExpressJS
Having delivered numerous applications, prototypes, and demos over the years, I've developed a deep appreciation for how robust development frameworks...
Balancing Speed to Delivery time in App Development
As devs, we know the age-old question of, "How long do you think it will take?" oh too well. Regardless...
From Chaos to Clarity Troubleshooting Postgres
I have always had a special fondness for Postgres, particularly captivated by its JSONB capabilities, which is at the core...
Debugging and Decoding MongoDB with OpenTelemetry
MongoDB's flexibility and document-oriented nature have always stood out to me as its most compelling features, setting it apart from...
Full Stack Clarity Troubleshooting Android OpenTelemetry
Developing a native Android app is a challenging task that requires a deep understanding of the Android SDK, as well...
Exploring Winglang with OpenTelemetry
Late last year, during an engaging Twitch livestream by AWS Developer Advocate Darko Mesaroš, I was introduced to a new...
Does Step Function's new TestState API make end-to-end tests obsolete?
Step Function added support for testing individual states [1] with the new TestState API [2]. Which lets you execute individual...
Choosing the Right Observability Tools for Developers
This is the third and final blog post in a series about shifting Observability left. If you have not yet...
The Power of Distributed Tracing in Shifting Observability Left
This is the second post in a 3-part series about shifting Observability left. If you have not had a chance...
Shifting Observability Left - Empowering Developers
This is the first post in a 3-part series about shifting Observability left.  When it comes to the reliability and...
Exploring the new EKS Pod Identity Functionality
One announcement that caught my attention in the EKS space during this year's AWS re:Invent conference was the addition of...
A Bright New Era in Developer Troubleshooting with Lumigo and OpenTelemetry
At Lumigo, building developer-first tools has always been at the forefront of our approach to troubleshooting and debugging. As developers...
Lumigo Releases 1-Click OpenTelemetry for Microservices Troubleshooting
Lumigo is excited to announce its microservice troubleshooting platform now provides developers and DevOps with the power of OpenTelemetry (OTel)...
Unlocking Open Telemetry for Golang
Open Telemetry (OTel) is an open source observability framework that has garnered significant attention for its powerful capabilities in monitoring...
Deciphering the Metrics Behind Kubernetes Nodes
As a developer, when I first stepped into the wonderful world Kubernetes, I was amazed at the endless configuration possibilities...
Auto-Instrumentation with the AWS CDK
As a developer I love automation, Whether it's orchestrating a smart home or optimizing developer toolchains. Automation injects efficiency into...
Deploying Java Spring Boot with OpenTelemetry Faster than Docker Build
In our journeys as developers, we frequently encounter the need for speed and efficiency. But often, integrating development tools can...
Troubleshooting Common Kafka Conundrums
This is the third blog in our series on Kafka, where we continue to explore the nuances of deploying Kafka...
Essential Metrics for Kafka Performance Monitoring
Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed streaming system that has grown in popularity and usage across the technology industry. Originating...
Auto-Instrumenting OpenTelemetry for Kafka
Apache Kafka, born at LinkedIn in 2010, has revolutionized real-time data streaming and has become a staple in many enterprise...
Is Bun the Next Big Thing for AWS Lambda? A Thorough Investigation
It’s been only a few days since the Bun 1.0 announcement and it’s taken social media by storm! And rightly...
Monitoring EKS in AWS Cloudwatch
As Kubernetes adoption surges across the industry, AWS EKS stands out as a robust solution that eases the journey from...
Testing, Observing, and Debugging RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ is a popular open-source message broker that facilitates communication between different components of a distributed system. Monitoring a RabbitMQ...
Exploring Kubernetes 1.28 Sidecar Containers
Kubernetes v1.28 comes with multiple new enhancements this year and we’ve already covered an overview of those in our previous...
Top 8 things you should know about deploying RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ is a household name in the world of application development and system architecture. Acting as a middleman for communication,...
When to scale tasks on AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS)
Since its inception, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) has emerged as a strong choice for developers aiming to efficiently deploy,...
Getting started with RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker software that facilitates communication and data exchange between various components of distributed applications. Acting...
Building, deploying and observing SDKs as a Service - Part 3
Welcome back to the final installment in our three-part series on building your own SDK generator.  The story so far.....
ExpressJS Container Debugging
In recent years, the landscape of application development has experienced a paradigm shift, largely driven by the rise of containerization...
Using Kubernetes with AWS Lambda: Scaling Up Your Serverless Applications
In today’s world, with Large tech giants and businesses looking forward to moving toward serverless architecture, there has been a...
Troubleshooting ECS Container Crashes
Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a versatile platform that enables developers to build scalable and resilient applications using containers....
Kubernetes Troubleshooting with Operators and Auto-Tracing
Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we manage and deploy applications, but as with any system, troubleshooting can often be a...
Building, Deploying and Observing WASM Apps
This post gives an overview of how to build applications using the updated Docker + WASM technical preview, along with...
Troubleshooting Bad Health Checks on Amazon ECS
Health checks are an important factor when working with containerized applications in the cloud and are the source of truth...
Building, deploying and observing SDKs as a Service - Part 2
In the first part of our series on Building, Deploying, and Observing SDKs as a Service, we delved into the...
What Are Kubernetes Health Checks and How to Improve Observability
Health checks for cloud infrastructure refer to the mechanisms and processes used to monitor the health and availability of the...
The Art of Using Execution Tags to Troubleshoot ECS
In the grand tapestry of software engineering, our journey often winds through labyrinthine layers of application logic. Here, bugs play...
Leveraging OpenTelemetry to Fix Flaky Integration Tests
At Lumigo, we heavily depend on a set of tests to deploy code changes fast. For every pull request opened, we...
Kubernetes Design Patterns For Optimal Observability
Technology is a fast-moving commodity. Trends, thoughts, techniques, and tools evolve rapidly in the software technology space. This rapid change...
Faster Debugging with Collaborative Troubleshooting Tools
As developers we understand the critical role teamwork and collaboration play in solving complex problems. Often, it's that second set...
Troubleshooting Slow Draining SQS Queues
This post is part of an ongoing series about troubleshooting common issues with microservice-based applications. Read the previous one on...
Distributed Tracing for AWS CDK Applications
What is AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) v2?  The AWS CDK lets users build as Infrastructure as Code (IaC)...
The Magic Behind the Lumigo Kubernetes Operator
Kubernetes is the container orchestration platform of choice for many teams. In our ongoing efforts to bring the magic experience...
Debugging Containerized React Apps
In your lifetime as a frontend developer that works with React, you must have come across several issues with debugging...
Migrating a Web App to AWS Lambda with Lambda Web Adapter
As developers, we all seek to build web applications that can scale seamlessly, adapt to changing needs and do so...
Return large objects with AWS Lambda’s new Streaming Response
Lambda has a size limit of 6MB on request and response payloads for synchronous invocations. This affects API functions and...
Troubleshooting Intermittent Failure in Amazon ECS apps
Distributed tracing: Understanding the basics A distributed system is a system whose components are located on different networked computers, which...
Quantum Entangled Observability
As the world of technology continues to evolve, the demand for cutting-edge solutions to monitor and optimize system performance has...
Observability as a Software Development Tool
This blog was written by Florian Schaeffler, Senior Software Engineer and Owner of Largun, a Lumigo partner. I asked ChatGPT...
Choosing the Right AWS Messaging Service for Your Application
With the dawn of microservices and serverless, event-driven architectures have become the way to go when building a new system...
OpenTelemetry: Beyond Instrumentation and into Resource Attributes
Instrumenting your code is essential to understanding your system's performance and diagnosing issues as they arise. Traditionally, this was accomplished...
Building, deploying and observing SDKs as a Service - Part 1
An API (application programming interface) is a set of protocols and instructions that allows software applications to communicate with one...
Monitoring AWS DynamoDB performance and latency
Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by AWS. As a managed service, we don't have to...
Comparing Amazon ECS launch types: EC2 vs. Fargate
Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that enables users to easily run, manage and...
Zero-Friction AWS Lambda Instrumentation with external extensions
If you’ve been in the software business for some time, you’ve probably noticed that creating software isn’t only about adding...
The Hidden Costs of Serverless Observability
The growing popularity of serverless architectures has led to an increased need for solutions to the modern challenges of microservice...
Production testing: smoke tests with Cypress, CircleCI, and AWS
“Testing your production environment” refers to the practice of running tests on production servers, using actual data from real users....
AWS Lambda cold starts are about to get faster
Over the past few years, AWS has made incremental improvements to Lambda’s cold start performance. Nowadays, cold starts are much...
Cleaning up your microservice resources
Managed services and serverless deployments have become increasingly popular tools in the software development process. This means that organizations are...
What's in an instrumentation? An SQS and Python study
At Lumigo, we keep improving the coverage and quality of our distributed tracing instrumentation to give you, through Lumigo’s transactions,...
AWS Lambda Telemetry API: a new way to process Lambda telemetry data in real-time
Back in 2020, we covered the launch of Lambda Extensions and the subsequent release of the Lambda Logs API. These...
Create AWS Cloudwatch metric alerts with Lumigo
Amazon CloudWatch monitors metrics of your Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources in real time and can trigger alarms when a...
Distributed Tracing: Build vs. Buy
With serverless and containerized applications becoming a norm, workloads and integrations are spread across multiple cloud environments. As these apps...
Observing AWS Lambda IOT devices
The internet of things is one of my favorite topics. IOT enables low-powered connected devices that opens gateways from the...
Better Lambda Performance with Lumigo and the Serverless Framework
Lambda is the glue that holds serverless architectures together. Before its release, most users felt it was a matter of...
Observing Schrödinger's Python App
As a developer, I love the versatility of Python. Over the years I have used Python for so many different...
Serverless Observability: Lumigo or AWS X-Ray
Observability is a measure of how well we are able to infer the internal state of our application from its...
Using Lumigo OpenTelemetry Distributions with other backends
When we set out to trace applications running outside of AWS Lambda, there was little doubt in our minds that...
Defining and measuring your SLIs and SLOs
Customers expect that online services are available all the time. The truth is that outages happen to almost everyone because...
Monitoring and Debugging Python Apps on AWS Lambda
As a developer, Python for me is a heavy-lifting and versatile language. I’ve used it for building APIs, internet of...
Tracing and Observing AWS ECS
It's no secret that application containerization has revolutionized the digital world as we know it by providing a transient gateway...
Get the Most Out of Serverless for Fleet Management Apps
You’ve probably seen Rush Hour, a logic puzzle where you have to slide cars and trucks out of the way...
Shine Some Light on Your SNS to SQS to Lambda Stack
The combination of SNS to SQS to Lambda is a common sight in serverless applications on AWS. Perhaps triggered by...
Advanced Debugging and Monitoring for Serverless Backends
Serverless backends have different monitoring challenges when compared with traditional applications, mostly due to the distributed and proprietary nature of...
Seven Tools to Help You Become a Better Serverless Developer
Serverless technologies let us do more with less effort, time and energy. They let us focus on creating user value...
Top Tips for NodeJS and Debugging on AWS Lambda (Part 2)
This is the second post in a 2 part blog series on debugging, monitoring and tracing NodeJS Lambda applications. If...
Top Tips for NodeJS Tracing and Debugging on AWS Lambda (Part 1)
In this two post series, we are going to explore some ways to trace and debug NodeJS Lambda applications. Delving...
Four Ways to Run Containers on AWS
AWS provides multiple ways to deploy containerized applications. From small, ready-made WordPress instances on Lightsail, to managed Kubernetes clusters running...
Building for Scale and Traceability Using ABAC for Lambda Functions
The most important thing with building out any application is to think BIG. Build for ten users now and 10,000...
Lessons Learned From Running Serverless In Production For 5 Years
I have been an AWS customer since 2010 and in the early days I, along with just about everyone else...
How to Build and Troubleshoot AWS Amplify APIs
Building APIs using AWS Amplify One of the things we love about working in the cloud is the ease and...
Monitoring and Troubleshooting Containerized Applications with Lumigo
Modern applications are designed to leverage cloud native technologies like serverless and containers to run at an unprecedented scale, moving...
Monitoring Cloud Native Microservices
Today's modern applications contain a broad set of microservices, with containers and serverless becoming the architectures of choice for many...
The Hidden Magic of Extensions
AWS Lambda execution lifecycle has 3 main phases: initialization, invocation, and shutdown. In the initialization phase, a Lambda creates the...
Build a Cypress tests infrastructure for serverless applications
Scalable testing infrastructure When a startup is in its very early stages, rapid iteration and dynamism are at the top...
AWS Lambda: function URL is live!
AWS announced the release of the Lambda Function URLs feature today. In this post, I describe what it is, how...
Serverless observability with OpenTelemetry and AWS Lambda
Observability Nowadays, microservice architecture is a pattern that helps to innovate quicker by enabling easier scalability, giving language flexibility, improving...
Welcome to 10GB of tmp storage with Lambda
Every Lambda function comes with 512MB of ephemeral storage in the shape of a /tmp directory. This storage space can...
Serverless Observability: It's easier than you think!
Observability is a measure of how well the internal state of a system can be inferred from its external outputs....
Graviton-Based Lambda Functions, What It Means For You just announced support for AWS Lambda functions powered by AWS Graviton2 processors. These are 64-bit Arm-based processors that are...
Testing strategies for Step Functions
AWS Step Functions is a powerful orchestration service that lets you model even the most complex business workflows. It packs...
Understanding Serverless Observability
What is Serverless Observability? Ideally, observability should help you understand the state of your application and how it performs under...
Lambda Extensions Just Got Even Better
AWS announced AWS Lambda Extensions back in October 2020 and I wrote extensively about it at the time - what...
3 Major Ways To Improve AWS Lambda Performance
When it comes to performance, AWS Lambda gives you a single configuration to control the performance and cost of your...
Feature Spotlight: Dynamic Dashboard
We recently released the Lumigo Dynamic Dashboard to help our customers visualize metrics to monitor their environment the way they...
Making CI/CD work with serverless
“Serverless computing is a cloud-computing execution model in which the cloud provider runs the server, and dynamically manages the allocation...
Automating Serverless Tasks with the Lumigo CLI
Here at Lumigo, our mission is to help customers succeed with serverless by solving the observability problem and letting them...
How to monitor and debug AppSync APIs
AWS AppSync is a fully managed GraphQL service that makes it easy for you to build scalable and performant GraphQL...
Choosing the right event-routing service for serverless: EventBridge, SNS, or SQS
This post was written by Dhaval Nagar, founder of AppGambit, a Lumigo partner company. Dhaval is an AWS Serverless Hero...
Managing Serverless Flows with AWS Step Functions
This blog post was written jointly by the teams at Lumigo and Cloudway. It's a step-by-step guide to AWS Step...
Package your Lambda function as a container image
Today, AWS announced another major feature to the Lambda platform: the option to package your code and dependencies as container...
How to Optimize AWS Lambda Costs
This post was written by Prashanth HN, CTO & co-founder of, a Lumigo partner company. Antstack is a born-in-the-cloud,...
Lambda Logs API: a new way to process Lambda logs in real-time
AWS released Lambda Extensions just over a month ago, and we explained what they are and why they matter. Today,...
AWS Lambda Extensions: What are they and why do they matter
There is a growing ecosystem of vendors that are helping AWS customers gain better observability into their serverless applications. All...
What Causes AWS Lambda Cold Starts & 7 Ways to Solve Them
[inline_banner_by_id id=5428] What are Lambda Cold Starts? Cold starts can be a killer to Lambda performance. Lamba cold starts happen...
How to Debug Slow Lambda Response Times
When you build your application on top of Lambda, AWS automatically scales the number of “workers” (think containers) running your...
What alerts should you have for serverless applications?
A key metric for measuring how well you handle system outages is the Mean Time To Recovery or MTTR. It’s...
Debugging AWS Lambda Timeouts
Some time ago, an ex-colleague of mine at DAZN received an alert through PagerDuty. There was a spike in error...
Lambda Execution Leaks: A Practical Guide
At Lumigo, we recently ran into some issues with a service we built on top of our Nodejs AWS Lambda...
How to Debug AWS Lambda Performance Issues
Ten years ago, Amazon found that every 100ms of latency would cost them roughly 1% in sales. This is a...
Unlocking new serverless use cases with EFS and Lambda
UPDATE 21/06/2020: following the official launch of this feature, we have performed more thorough performance testing to see how mounting...
A time machine for your env variables
One of the great things about Lumigo is that it records a lot of context about each Lambda invocation. This...
Serverless Continuous Integration in the era of parallelism
As a team that does pure serverless, we place a lot of emphasis on fast deployments. Lately, though, as our...
Serverless CI/CD: How we added a staging step
Unit tests and integration tests are vitally important, but sometimes even those aren’t sufficient to ensure that critical services in...
HTTP API goes GA today!
As you read this, API Gateway HTTP API is now Generally Available. This is an important milestone, and kudos to...
10 Essential Serverless Framework Plugins
To round out our series on the serverless open source community, Itay Herskovits, CTO of -  a community marketplace...
5 reasons why you should use EventBridge instead of SNS
Top 5 reasons to use EventBridge instead of SNS SNS and SQS have been the goto options for AWS developers...
ABL in focus #8: Instrumenting distributed systems for operational visibility
Next in our series on the Amazon Builders’ Library, Lumigo Director of Engineering - and newly-minted Serverless Hero - Efi...
Lumigo’s new Serverless Hero
I’m thrilled to share that our very own Efi Merdler-Kravitz, Lumigo director of engineering, has been named a Serverless Hero...
Essential Open Source Serverless Code Libraries
Serverless applications, due to their distributed nature, are often stuck having to reinvent the wheel.  While small utility scripts and...
Amazon Builders' Library in focus #7: Going faster with continuous delivery
Next in our series on the Amazon Builders’ Library, Mike Roberts of Symphonia picks out the key insights from the...
Essential Open Source Serverless Tools
The infrastructure that runs your applications can be nearly as complex as the applications it supports.  This complexity generally scales...
Amazon Builders' Library in Focus #6: Implementing Health Checks
In our latest article on the Amazon Builders’ Library, Yan Cui highlights the main takeaways from the article, Implementing health...
Serverless Cost Optimization: Kinesis Streams vs Firehose
Lumigo senior engineer Uri Parush shares how the Lumigo R&D team balances functionality and cost considerations when making serverless architecture...
Amazon Builders' Library in focus #5: Static stability using availability zones
Next in our series on the Amazon Builders’ Library, Yan Cui picks out the key insights from the article, Static...
7 Tips for Rock-Solid Serverless CICD
Lumigo CEO Erez Berkner shares the seven guiding principles that shaped his development team’s serverless CICD pipeline. The DevOps infinity...
Amazon Builders' Library in focus #4: Avoiding insurmountable queue backlogs
In the latest article in our series focusing on the Amazon Builders’ Library, Yan Cui highlights the key insights from...
Amazon Builders’ Library in focus #3: Avoiding fallback in distributed systems
In the third of our series of articles, Yan Cui highlights the key insights from the Amazon Builders’ Library article,...
Amazon Builders’ Library in focus #2: Using load shedding to avoid overload
In the second of our new series of posts, Yan Cui highlights the key insights from the Amazon Builders’ Library...
Amazon Builders’ Library in focus #1: Timeouts, retries, and backoff with jitter
In the first article in our new series, Yan Cui highlights the key insights from the Amazon Builders’ Library article,...
AWS Lambda Provisioned Concurrency: The End of Cold Starts
What Is Provisioned Concurrency? Amazon Lambda is a serverless runtime that offers provisioned concurrency, which is a feature that extends...
EventBridge vs CloudWatch Events, Kinesis and SNS
AWS recently launched the Serverless Event Bus, AWS EventBridge. Some have described it as an extension of CloudWatch Events, while...
Migrating from IOpipe to Lumigo
You’ve no doubt heard that IOpipe has been acquired by New Relic (congratulations to both). As part of the acquisition,...
An Introduction to AWS CDK
Note: this blog post was updated on May 22, 2023.  In this article we’ll introduce the AWS Cloud Development Kit...
The why, when and how of AWS API Gateway service proxies
Serverless Hero Yan Cui explains when and why you should use AWS API Gateway service proxies, and introduces an open...
Monitor Lambda cold start durations with CloudWatch
When you look at an X-Ray trace for a Lambda cold start, you will see an Initialization subsegment. This subsegment...
Introducing the lumigo-cli
Here at Lumigo, we are big fans of serverless. And a big part of working with AWS Lambda involves using...
Top 10 best practices for serverless.yml
The Serverless Framework is one of the oldest (and still going strong!) deployment frameworks around for serverless applications. It’s my...
5 Tips for using AWS Serverless Application Model
AWS introduced the Serverless Application Model (SAM) to ease the building of serverless applications on AWS. Essentially, it is an...
Lumigo Achieves AWS DevOps Competency Status
Lumigo, the serverless monitoring and troubleshooting platform, today announced that it has achieved Amazon Web Services (AWS) DevOps Competency status. ...
Serverless API with ReactJS
The article, Serverless API with ReactJS, was first published on the Serverless Guru website. Let’s build a Serverless REST API...
8 ways to speed up serverless development
There is a paradox at the heart of serverless. While it’s promoted as a very agile way to develop, a...
AWS Lambda vs EC2: Compared on Performance, Cost, Security, and More
AWS Lambda has gained good traction for building applications on AWS. But, is it really the best fit for all...
The best reason to use AWS DynamoDB streams
Many clients have asked me, “When do I use AWS DynamoDB streams vs Kinesis?” It’s a great question, since both...
How to build a CICD pipeline for Serverless apps with TravisCI
This post, How to build a CI/CD pipeline for Serverless apps with Travis CI, was first published on the Seed...
A SAR app to propagate CloudFormation tags to unsupported resources
Did you know that CloudFormation tags don't automatically propagate to some resource types? Chief among these are CloudWatch log groups,...
Serverless Framework Plugin: Get Instant Visibility
Observability is a common challenge for serverless applications and we believe Lumigo is perfectly positioned to help you tackle this...
SQS and Lambda: a Quick Tutorial and How to Handle Failure Modes
How do SQS and Lambda Work Together? Amazon SQS is a lightweight, fully-managed message queueing service. You can use SQS...
CloudWatch Logs for AWS Lambda: Getting Insights About Your Serverless Deployment
AWS CloudWatch is a powerful tool, but it can be tricky to use it for monitoring your AWS Lambda functions....
Advanced Serverless CICD - Part 2: CircleCI
In the second part of his series comparing CICD services for serverless applications, Erez Rokah, developer of the open source aws-testing-library,...
Amazon EventBridge: a new era of SaaS integration
Amazon recently announced EventBridge to much fanfare. Although, in truth, it’s a rebranding of the existing CloudWatch Events service, along...
The other half of software: what lurks between business logic
In 2016 I was the tech lead for a greenfield project completely devoid of legacy--I held the engineer’s promised land...
Development workflow for serverless applications
Serverless applications require a whole new approach to development workflow. In this article, Lumigo Director of Engineering Efi Merdler-Kravitz details...
Tackling API Gateway Lambda performance issues
API Gateway is a powerful tool for creating a coherent API out of a set of multiple disconnected remote function...
Serverless app to speed up all your Lambda functions
A while back, I wrote about how you can shave latency off every AWS SDK operation by enabling HTTP keep-alive,...
Lumigo adds monitoring support for AWS Chalice
We’re pleased to announce that the Lumigo serverless intelligence platform now supports the Python microframework, AWS Chalice. Chalice was created...
Are you ready for serverless development?
The way we build software products changes all the time. Serverless architecture opens up new opportunities to create awesome products...
Lumigo adds Java Tracing support for AWS Lambda
We’re very pleased to announce the official launch of our new Java tracer for AWS Lambda. This release extends Lumigo’s...
Advanced Serverless CICD - Part 1 :  AWS CodeBuild
In this guest post, the first of a two-part series, Erez Rokah, developer of the open source aws-testing-library, outlines an...
Lambda and Kinesis - beware of hot streams
Back in 2017, I wrote a post titled “3 pro tips for Developers working with Kinesis streams”, in which I...
Serverless integration testing
In this bite-sized tutorial, we look at how to add Cognito to your integration tests flow, making for true black-box...
You are wrong about serverless vendor lock-in
Some time ago, the Register published an article titled “Lambda and serverless is one of the worst forms of proprietary...
Serverless from the trenches 1: Protect your stack from deletion
It’s time to talk about the everyday challenges of serverless. Whenever I scroll through the latest blog posts on serverless...
Mono-repo vs one-per-service
With AWS Lambda, we can deploy and scale individual functions. However, we engineers still like to think in terms of...
Canary Deployment with LaunchDarkly and AWS Lambda
LaunchDarkly has built an impressive feature flag management system that overages more than 200 billion feature flags per day. It...
AWS Lambda Use Cases: When to use Lambda layers
AWS introduced Lambda Layers at re:invent 2018 as a way to share code and data between functions within and across...
Takeaways from Serverless Architecture Conference NL 2019
Lumigo VP Product Avishai Shafir rounds up the most interesting talking points from the three-day Serverless Architecture Conference, held in...
AWS Lambda apps to automate chores around CloudWatch Logs
The open source applications described in this article are available from Lumigo's Github repository. If you look around the Serverless...
An AWS Lambda app to clean up old deployment packages
AWS Lambda has a soft limit of 75GB for deployment packages for all your functions (including the layers you use)....
Web frameworks implication for serverless cold starts
TL;DR Web application frameworks with all of their benefits add their own set of problems to FaaS environments. They introduce...
Takeaways from the ServerlessConf SF 2018
Last week I attended ServerlessConf SF. This was the 8th and largest ServerlessConf to date with more than 550 attendees....