Posts by Aviad Mor

Aviad Mor is the CTO and co-founder of Lumigo, a serverless monitoring and troubleshooting platform.

A Bright New Era in Developer Troubleshooting with Lumigo and OpenTelemetry
At Lumigo, building developer-first tools has always been at the forefront of our approach to troubleshooting and debugging. As developers...
Monitoring Cloud Native Microservices
Today's modern applications contain a broad set of microservices, with containers and serverless becoming the architectures of choice for many...
Feature Spotlight: Insights
What is it? We added out of the box alerts for irregular behaviors. Lumigo Insights will trigger an alert the...
Feature Spotlight: System Maps
What is it? Lumigo’s System Map is a real-time visualization of your entire application. A bird’s eye view of the...
Feature Spotlight: Timeline
[inline_banner_by_id id=5377] What is Lumigo's Transaction Timeline? Lumigo’s Transaction Timeline lets you see in a glance the flow of a...
Feature Spotlight: Auto-Tracing
What is it? Lumigo’s Auto-Tracing allows you to implement distributed tracing on your Lambda functions with 3-clicks and no manual...
Feature Spotlight: Explore
We've recently updated one of the most powerful features in Lumigo: Explore, and I wanted to tell you a bit...
EventBridge vs CloudWatch Events, Kinesis and SNS
AWS recently launched the Serverless Event Bus, AWS EventBridge. Some have described it as an extension of CloudWatch Events, while...