Posts by DeveloperSteve

Boosting Application Security Using OpenTelemetry
Every day, we hear about new vulnerabilities or exploits that underline the importance of application security in today's connected world....
Implementing OpenTelemetry OTLP in .Net
The .NET framework is a powerful platform for creating various applications, from web-based services to comprehensive enterprise solutions. Its extensive...
Instrumenting using the Java OpenTelemetry OTLP
Java has long been a foundational pillar in application development, its versatility and robustness serving as key drivers behind its...
NodeJS Instrumentation with the Lumigo OTLP endpoint
As software systems become more complex, navigating their inner workings has become increasingly difficult due to the evolution of more...
Instrumenting Lumigo for Python using OpenTelemetry
Standardized frameworks play a fundamental role in leveling the playing field and setting the standard within the tech industry, ensuring...
Dissecting MySQL Debugging with Node and Python - Part 2
In Part 1 of this blog, we prepared our demo container environments using Docker for the Node Express and Python...
Dissecting MySQL Debugging with Node and Python - Part1
This is the first post in a series of two looking at debugging and tracing MySQL, which has been a...
Understanding How OpenTelemetry can help with PCI Compliance
The early days of e-commerce on the internet resembled a digital Wild West, characterized by unencrypted form inputs and clear-text...
Comparing NestJS and ExpressJS
Having delivered numerous applications, prototypes, and demos over the years, I've developed a deep appreciation for how robust development frameworks...
Balancing Speed to Delivery time in App Development
As devs, we know the age-old question of, "How long do you think it will take?" oh too well. Regardless...
From Chaos to Clarity Troubleshooting Postgres
I have always had a special fondness for Postgres, particularly captivated by its JSONB capabilities, which is at the core...
Debugging and Decoding MongoDB with OpenTelemetry
MongoDB's flexibility and document-oriented nature have always stood out to me as its most compelling features, setting it apart from...
Full Stack Clarity Troubleshooting Android OpenTelemetry
Developing a native Android app is a challenging task that requires a deep understanding of the Android SDK, as well...
Exploring Winglang with OpenTelemetry
Late last year, during an engaging Twitch livestream by AWS Developer Advocate Darko Mesaroš, I was introduced to a new...
Exploring the new EKS Pod Identity Functionality
One announcement that caught my attention in the EKS space during this year's AWS re:Invent conference was the addition of...
Deciphering the Metrics Behind Kubernetes Nodes
As a developer, when I first stepped into the wonderful world Kubernetes, I was amazed at the endless configuration possibilities...
Auto-Instrumentation with the AWS CDK
As a developer I love automation, Whether it's orchestrating a smart home or optimizing developer toolchains. Automation injects efficiency into...
Introducing Lumigo Webhook Alerts
Webhooks, those wonderful little lifelines connecting one application to another, have become an essential part of our app notification world....
Deploying Java Spring Boot with OpenTelemetry Faster than Docker Build
In our journeys as developers, we frequently encounter the need for speed and efficiency. But often, integrating development tools can...
Troubleshooting Common Kafka Conundrums
This is the third blog in our series on Kafka, where we continue to explore the nuances of deploying Kafka...
Essential Metrics for Kafka Performance Monitoring
Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed streaming system that has grown in popularity and usage across the technology industry. Originating...
Auto-Instrumenting OpenTelemetry for Kafka
Apache Kafka, born at LinkedIn in 2010, has revolutionized real-time data streaming and has become a staple in many enterprise...
Monitoring EKS in AWS Cloudwatch
As Kubernetes adoption surges across the industry, AWS EKS stands out as a robust solution that eases the journey from...
Testing, Observing, and Debugging RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ is a popular open-source message broker that facilitates communication between different components of a distributed system. Monitoring a RabbitMQ...
Top 8 things you should know about deploying RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ is a household name in the world of application development and system architecture. Acting as a middleman for communication,...
When to scale tasks on AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS)
Since its inception, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) has emerged as a strong choice for developers aiming to efficiently deploy,...
Getting started with RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker software that facilitates communication and data exchange between various components of distributed applications. Acting...
Building, deploying and observing SDKs as a Service - Part 3
Welcome back to the final installment in our three-part series on building your own SDK generator.  The story so far.....
What's New in the Kubernetes 1.28 Second Release
From its humble beginnings, Kubernetes' growth story continues to be a testament to the power of open-source collaboration, and its...
Introducing the new Lumigo Live Tail
As developers, we understand the immense value of having real-time access to live traces. It significantly enhances our ability to...
Troubleshooting ECS Container Crashes
Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a versatile platform that enables developers to build scalable and resilient applications using containers....
Kubernetes Troubleshooting with Operators and Auto-Tracing
Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we manage and deploy applications, but as with any system, troubleshooting can often be a...
Building, Deploying and Observing WASM Apps
This post gives an overview of how to build applications using the updated Docker + WASM technical preview, along with...
Introducing Trace Endpoint Mapping
At Lumigo, we see ourselves as your reliable ally in the noble mission of detecting and vanquishing troublesome issues that...
Troubleshooting Bad Health Checks on Amazon ECS
Health checks are an important factor when working with containerized applications in the cloud and are the source of truth...
Building, deploying and observing SDKs as a Service - Part 2
In the first part of our series on Building, Deploying, and Observing SDKs as a Service, we delved into the...
What Are Kubernetes Health Checks and How to Improve Observability
Health checks for cloud infrastructure refer to the mechanisms and processes used to monitor the health and availability of the...
The Art of Using Execution Tags to Troubleshoot ECS
In the grand tapestry of software engineering, our journey often winds through labyrinthine layers of application logic. Here, bugs play...
Kubernetes Design Patterns For Optimal Observability
Technology is a fast-moving commodity. Trends, thoughts, techniques, and tools evolve rapidly in the software technology space. This rapid change...
Faster Debugging with Collaborative Troubleshooting Tools
As developers we understand the critical role teamwork and collaboration play in solving complex problems. Often, it's that second set...
Troubleshooting Slow Draining SQS Queues
This post is part of an ongoing series about troubleshooting common issues with microservice-based applications. Read the previous one on...
Kubecon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023 Recap
KubeCon Amsterdam was an incredible gathering of like-minded professionals, bringing together devops, software engineers, vendors, and cloud technology enthusiasts from...
Troubleshooting Intermittent Failure in Amazon ECS apps
Distributed tracing: Understanding the basics A distributed system is a system whose components are located on different networked computers, which...
Quantum Entangled Observability
As the world of technology continues to evolve, the demand for cutting-edge solutions to monitor and optimize system performance has...
Observability as a Software Development Tool
This blog was written by Florian Schaeffler, Senior Software Engineer and Owner of Largun, a Lumigo partner. I asked ChatGPT...
Serverless Days ANZ 2023 Recap
When a tech community comes together, great things happen and Serverless Days ANZ 2023 was no exception. As soon as...
Choosing the Right AWS Messaging Service for Your Application
With the dawn of microservices and serverless, event-driven architectures have become the way to go when building a new system...
Building, deploying and observing SDKs as a Service - Part 1
An API (application programming interface) is a set of protocols and instructions that allows software applications to communicate with one...
Monitoring AWS DynamoDB performance and latency
Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by AWS. As a managed service, we don't have to...
Comparing Amazon ECS launch types: EC2 vs. Fargate
Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that enables users to easily run, manage and...
The Hidden Costs of Serverless Observability
The growing popularity of serverless architectures has led to an increased need for solutions to the modern challenges of microservice...
Cleaning up your microservice resources
Managed services and serverless deployments have become increasingly popular tools in the software development process. This means that organizations are...
Observing AWS Lambda IOT devices
The internet of things is one of my favorite topics. IOT enables low-powered connected devices that opens gateways from the...
Better Lambda Performance with Lumigo and the Serverless Framework
Lambda is the glue that holds serverless architectures together. Before its release, most users felt it was a matter of...
Observing Schrödinger's Python App
As a developer, I love the versatility of Python. Over the years I have used Python for so many different...
Monitoring and Debugging Python Apps on AWS Lambda
As a developer, Python for me is a heavy-lifting and versatile language. I’ve used it for building APIs, internet of...
Tracing and Observing AWS ECS
It's no secret that application containerization has revolutionized the digital world as we know it by providing a transient gateway...
Get the Most Out of Serverless for Fleet Management Apps
You’ve probably seen Rush Hour, a logic puzzle where you have to slide cars and trucks out of the way...
Advanced Debugging and Monitoring for Serverless Backends
Serverless backends have different monitoring challenges when compared with traditional applications, mostly due to the distributed and proprietary nature of...
Top Tips for NodeJS and Debugging on AWS Lambda (Part 2)
This is the second post in a 2 part blog series on debugging, monitoring and tracing NodeJS Lambda applications. If...
Top Tips for NodeJS Tracing and Debugging on AWS Lambda (Part 1)
In this two post series, we are going to explore some ways to trace and debug NodeJS Lambda applications. Delving...
Building for Scale and Traceability Using ABAC for Lambda Functions
The most important thing with building out any application is to think BIG. Build for ten users now and 10,000...
How to Build and Troubleshoot AWS Amplify APIs
Building APIs using AWS Amplify One of the things we love about working in the cloud is the ease and...
Lights, Camera, Action: Lumigo Joins AWSonAir for a Big Announcement
It's no secret that AWS has an extensive catalog of services which enable organizations to rapidly scale infrastructure. In this...