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AWS Lambda vs. Azure Functions: 10 Key Differences & How to Choose

What Is AWS Lambda? 

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web Services. It allows developers to run code without provisioning or managing servers. With AWS Lambda, you can execute code in response to events such as changes to data in an S3 bucket or updates in a DynamoDB table. 

This service automatically scales the compute resources based on the incoming request rate, and you only pay for the compute time you consume. AWS Lambda supports multiple programming languages including Python, Node.js, Java, and C#, making it versatile for various application needs.

What Is Azure Functions? 

Azure Functions is a serverless compute service offered by Microsoft Azure. It enables developers to build applications by running code in response to events without managing the underlying infrastructure. Azure Functions supports a range of programming languages such as C#, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python. It integrates with Azure Event Grid and Cosmos DB, enabling event-driven and reactive programming. 

With features like local debugging, Git integration, and CI/CD pipeline support, Azure Functions simplifies the development and deployment process. It also offers extensive monitoring and management capabilities through the Azure Portal and developer tools like Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.

Key Features of AWS Lambda 

AWS Lambda offers the following capabilities:

  • Event-driven execution: Automatically runs code in response to various events, such as HTTP requests via Amazon API Gateway, modifications to data in Amazon S3 buckets, or updates in DynamoDB tables.
  • Automatic scaling: Lambda functions scale automatically based on the number of incoming requests, handling thousands of concurrent executions.
  • Built-in fault tolerance: Ensures high availability by replicating the function across multiple Availability Zones, providing resilience against failures.
  • Granular billing: You are billed only for the compute time used, measured in milliseconds, with no charges when your code is not running.
  • Custom runtimes: In addition to the supported languages, you can bring your own runtime, allowing the execution of custom code environments.
  • AWS ecosystem integration: Integrates tightly with other AWS services like CloudWatch for monitoring, IAM for security, and SNS for messaging, providing a complete serverless experience.

Related content: Read our guide to Lambda architecture

Key Features of Azure Functions 

Azure Functions offers the following capabilities:

  • Trigger-based execution: Functions run in response to triggers such as HTTP requests, queue messages, and changes in databases, facilitating event-driven architectures.
  • Flexible scaling options: Functions can scale automatically based on demand, with additional options for manual scaling in the Premium and App Service Plans.
  • Comprehensive monitoring: Integrates with Azure Monitor and Application Insights to provide detailed logs, metrics, and analytics for function executions.
  • Development tools integration: Supports local debugging, deployment through Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, and integration with Git for CI/CD pipelines.
  • Hybrid connectivity: Functions can be integrated with on-premises systems using hybrid connections, providing flexibility in deploying cloud-based and on-premises solutions.
  • Secure access: Managed Service Identities (MSIs) allow secure access to Azure resources without managing credentials, improving security for serverless applications.

AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions: The Key Differences

Let’s see how these two serverless compute services compare in key areas.

1. Programming Languages

AWS Lambda supports a variety of programming languages including Python, Node.js, Java, and C#. It also allows the use of custom runtimes, enabling developers to bring their own runtime and leverage Lambda’s serverless capabilities. This makes Lambda suitable for a range of applications, from data processing tasks to backend services.

Azure Functions supports languages such as C#, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python. It also supports PowerShell for scripting tasks and F# for functional programming. It caters to developers working within the Microsoft ecosystem or who are using popular languages.

Platform Supported Programming Languages
AWS  Java, C#, Python, Go, Node.js, PowerShell, Ruby
Azure  Java, C#, Python, F#, Node.js, PowerShell, TypeScript

For more information, see:

2. Hosting Plans

AWS Lambda operates on a fully managed infrastructure that scales automatically with demand. Users are charged based on the number of requests and the compute time consumed, measured in milliseconds. There is no need to manage servers, and the service handles capacity planning, patching, and administration, allowing developers to focus on writing code.

Azure Functions offers multiple hosting plans to suit various needs. The Consumption Plan automatically scales and charges only for the resources consumed, suitable for applications with variable workloads. The Premium Plan provides enhanced performance, better scaling, and additional features such as VNET integration and unlimited execution duration. Azure also offers a dedicated App Service Plan, where functions run on dedicated VMs.

Platform Available Plans
AWS  General 

Provisioned Concurrency

Azure  Consumption Plan

Premium Plan

Dedicated App Service Plan


For more information, see:

3. Execution Time

AWS Lambda imposes a maximum execution time of 15 minutes per function invocation. This is suitable for short-lived tasks such as API calls, data processing, and backend services, but may require optimization or architectural adjustments for longer-running processes. Lambda functions automatically time out if they exceed this limit.

Azure Functions offers different execution time limits based on the hosting plan. Under the Consumption Plan, functions can run for a maximum of 5 minutes by default, with the ability to extend this to 10 minutes. The Premium Plan and Dedicated (App Service) Plan remove the execution time limit entirely, allowing functions to run indefinitely. This supports long-running tasks or applications requiring extended processing times.

Platform Maximum Execution Time
AWS 15 minutes
Azure Consumption Plan: 5 minutes 

Premium and Dedicated Plans: 30 minutes


For more information, see:

4. Memory

AWS Lambda allows developers to allocate memory for functions in 64 MB increments, ranging from 128 MB to 10.24 GB. The amount of memory assigned directly influences the CPU, network bandwidth, and other resources available to the function, enabling fine-tuning of performance and cost.

Azure Functions’ memory allocation depends on the chosen hosting plan. The Consumption Plan provides up to 1.5 GB of memory per function, suitable for lightweight and medium-scale applications. The Premium Plan offers more flexibility, with memory limits scaling up to 14 GB, depending on the configuration. This range of options allows developers to match memory allocation to the needs of their applications, balancing performance and cost effectively.

Platform Memory
AWS 128 MB to 10.24 GB
Azure Consumption Plan: 128 MB to 1.5 GB 

Premium and Dedicated Plans: Up to 14 GB


For more information, see:

4. Cold Starts

AWS Lambda mitigates cold starts through a feature called provisioned concurrency, which pre-allocates resources for Lambda functions, ensuring they remain warm and reducing startup latency. This is useful for latency-sensitive applications.

Azure Functions addresses cold start issues with its Premium Plan, which keeps function instances warm and ready to handle requests instantly. This plan provides a more predictable and lower latency performance compared to the Consumption Plan. Additionally, Azure’s Always On setting for App Service Plans ensures that functions remain active, reducing cold starts.

Platform Average Cold Start
AWS Less than 1 second
Azure More than 5 seconds

5. Scalability and Performance

AWS Lambda automatically scales horizontally by handling incoming requests through multiple instances of the function, supporting up to thousands of concurrent executions. This scalability ensures high availability and reliability, with AWS managing the infrastructure to handle spikes in traffic.

Azure Functions also scales automatically, handling varying loads efficiently. The Consumption Plan scales out based on demand, while the Premium Plan offers more advanced scaling options, such as scaling based on custom metrics and predefined rules. This allows developers to optimize performance and resource utilization according to their application’s needs.

Platform Scalability Limits
AWS  Standard instances: 1000 per region

Reserved instances: Varying limits

Provisioned instances: Varying limits

Azure  No concurrency limit


For more information, see:

6. Monitoring and Logging

AWS Lambda integrates with AWS CloudWatch, providing detailed logs, metrics, and monitoring capabilities. CloudWatch Logs capture function execution details, errors, and performance data, while CloudWatch Metrics offer insights into function invocations, durations, and error rates. 

Azure Functions uses Azure Monitor for logging, performance tracking, and alerting. Azure Monitor captures function execution data, errors, and performance metrics, providing a centralized platform for monitoring and diagnostics. Application Insights, part of Azure Monitor, offers advanced analytics and visualizations, with deeper insights into function performance.

Platform Monitoring Enabled Via
AWS AWS CloudWatch
Azure Azure Monitor


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9. HTTP Integration

AWS Lambda integrates with Amazon API Gateway to expose Lambda functions as RESTful APIs. This combination allows developers to create secure, scalable APIs that handle HTTP requests, with support for custom domain names, caching, throttling, and authorization mechanisms. The integration is seamless, making it easy to build and manage APIs alongside other AWS services.

Azure Functions provides native HTTP trigger support, enabling functions to respond directly to HTTP requests without additional services. This makes it simple to create and deploy APIs or webhooks. Additionally, Azure Functions integrates with Azure API Management, which offers advanced features such as rate limiting, API versioning, and security policies. 

Platform HTTP Integration 
AWS  Requires API Gateway to support HTTP integration 
Azure  Supports HTTP integration out of the box


For more information, see:

10. Pricing

AWS Lambda uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model, charging based on the number of requests and the duration of code execution. The free tier includes 1 million free requests and 400,000 GB-seconds of compute time per month, providing a cost-effective option for low-traffic applications and new users exploring serverless computing.

Azure Functions also follows a consumption-based pricing model, charging per execution and execution time. The free tier offers 1 million executions and 400,000 GB-seconds of compute time per month, similar to AWS Lambda. The Premium Plan and App Service Plan provide additional pricing options, catering to different performance and resource requirements.

Platform Free Executions Free Requests Additional Requests Storage Rounded to the Nearest
AWS 400,000 GB-seconds / month 1 million / month $0.20 per million $0.000016  per GB-second Millisecond
Azure 400,000 GB-seconds / month 1 million / month $0.20 per million $0.000016 per GB-second Millisecond


For more information, see:

Azure Functions vs AWS Lambda: How to Choose? 

Selecting the right serverless platform for your application can significantly impact its performance, scalability, and overall success. Here are some key considerations to help guide your decision:

  • Event source compatibility: Evaluate the range of event sources supported by each platform. AWS Lambda integrates with numerous AWS services, while Azure Functions supports a variety of Azure services and third-party triggers. Ensure the platform you choose aligns with your event sources.
  • Deployment and management tools: Consider the deployment and management tools available. AWS Lambda utilizes the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) and CloudFormation for infrastructure as code. Azure Functions can be managed using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates and Azure DevOps for streamlined CI/CD processes.
  • Vendor lock-in: Assess the potential for vendor lock-in with each platform. While both AWS and Azure offer comprehensive serverless solutions, reliance on a single cloud provider’s ecosystem can impact flexibility. Evaluate the implications for future migration and interoperability with other cloud services.
  • Community and ecosystem support: The strength of community and ecosystem support can influence the ease of development and troubleshooting. AWS Lambda benefits from a large AWS community and extensive documentation. Azure Functions also has a strong support network and integration with Microsoft’s developer ecosystem.
  • Performance benchmarks: Analyze performance benchmarks relevant to your use case. Factors such as execution time, latency, and resource efficiency can vary between platforms. Conduct performance testing to determine which service offers the best performance for your workloads.
  • Compliance and regulatory requirements: Ensure the platform you choose complies with industry-specific regulatory requirements. Both AWS and Azure have certifications for various standards (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA), but specific compliance features and support levels may differ.
  • Ecosystem maturity: Consider the maturity of each ecosystem. AWS Lambda has been available longer, offering more mature tools and integrations. Azure Functions is rapidly evolving, with new features and improvements being regularly introduced.

AWS Lambda Observability, Debugging, and Performance Made Easy with Lumigo

Lumigo is a serverless monitoring platform that lets developers effortlessly find Lambda cold starts, understand their impact, and fix them.

Lumigo can help you:

  • Solve cold starts easily obtain cold start-related metrics for your Lambda functions, including cold start %, average cold duration, and enabled provisioned concurrency. Generate real-time alerts on cold starts, so you’ll know instantly when a function is under-provisioned and can adjust provisioned concurrency.
  • Find and fix issues in seconds with visual debugging – Lumigo builds a virtual stack trace of all services participating in the transaction. Everything is displayed in a visual map that can be searched and filtered.
  • Automatic distributed tracing – with one click and no manual code changes, Lumigo visualizes your entire environment, including your Lambdas, other AWS services, and every API call and external SaaS service.
  • Identify and remove performance bottlenecks – see the end-to-end execution duration of each service, and which services run sequentially and in parallel. Lumigo automatically identifies your worst latency offenders, including AWS Lambda cold starts.
  • Serverless-specific smart alerts – using machine learning, Lumigo’s predictive analytics identifies and alerts on issues before they impact application performance or costs, including alerts about AWS Lambda cold starts.

Get a free account with Lumigo resolve Lambda issues in seconds