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Containerized Applications: Benefits, Challenges & Best Practices

What Are Containerized Applications? 

Containerized applications are software packages that include all the necessary components—such as code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings—enclosed in a container. 

Unlike traditional deployment, where applications rely on the host system’s environment, containers provide a consistent environment across different development, testing, and production settings. This consistency eliminates the “it works on my machine” problem, ensuring that the application works uniformly regardless of where it is deployed.

Containers offer a lightweight alternative to full machine virtualization by abstracting the application layer instead of the hardware layer. This means that multiple containers can run on a single machine’s operating system, each sharing the same kernel but operating in isolated user spaces. This isolation prevents processes within a container from interfering with those in another, and allows efficient utilization of the host machine.

This is part of a series of articles about container monitoring.

Containers vs. Virtual Machines 

Containers and virtual machines (VMs) serve similar purposes but operate at different layers of the technology stack. VMs virtualize the hardware, creating a complete operating system instance for each application, which can lead to significant overhead. Each VM includes a full copy of an operating system, the application, necessary binaries, and libraries, requiring substantial resources.

In contrast, containers virtualize at the operating system level, with multiple containers running directly on the OS kernel. This results in containers being much more lightweight and efficient than VMs, as they share the host system’s kernel and, if necessary, only include application and its dependencies. This efficiency translates to faster start-up times, higher density of applications on the hardware, and lower overhead costs.

However, while VMs are slower to run and require more resources, they also provide improved isolation and security compared to containers. They are also able to run on any host system, because they do not depend on the host operating system for compatibility.

How Application Containerization Works 

The containerization process begins with the creation of a container image, a static file that includes the application code, libraries, dependencies, and other necessary components. This image serves as the blueprint from which containers are instantiated. 

When a container is run from an image, the containerization engine, such as Docker or Containerd, sets up an isolated environment for that container. This environment includes virtual network interfaces, mounts for storage, and a segregated portion of the file system.

The containerized application runs in this isolated environment, providing applications with the experience of operating on a standalone system. This isolation ensures that the application does not interfere with the host system or other containers. 

The containerization platform manages the lifecycle of the container, including starting, stopping, and managing resources. This process allows developers to package their applications with everything needed to run, ensuring consistency across different environments.

In complex and large scale environments, container engines are useful, but are not enough to manage large numbers of containers and concerns like resource utilization, scaling, networking, and security. Many organizations use container orchestrators like Kubernetes to manage containers at scale.

Benefits of Containerized Applications 


Containers encapsulate an application’s dependencies, ensuring that it operates independently of other applications. This isolation protects the application from potential conflicts with other applications or variations in the host environment.

Isolation also facilitates testing and development. Developers can work on individual components without the risk of affecting other parts of the application. 


Containers include all aspects of an application, including its dependencies, allowing them to run consistently across any environment that supports the container runtime. This means that an application containerized on a developer’s laptop can be moved to a test environment, and then to production, without any changes. 

This portability simplifies deployment and scaling across cloud environments, data centers, and local machines, making it an ideal choice for modern, cloud-native applications.


Containers are inherently lightweight, as they share the host system’s kernel rather than requiring their own operating system instance. This means that containers require less overhead than traditional virtual machines, enabling more efficient use of system resources. 

The lightweight nature of containers allows for higher density of applications on a given set of hardware, reducing infrastructure costs and improving scalability.


Containers can be easily replicated and distributed across multiple hosts, enabling applications to scale out to meet increased demand. Container orchestration tools, such as Kubernetes, automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, making it easier to manage complex, scalable systems.

Containers are well-suited for microservices because they can be individually scaled and updated without impacting other components of the application. 

When to Use Containerized Applications? Common Use Cases 

Here are some examples of scenarios that can benefit from containerization.


Containerized applications are particularly well-suited for microservices architectures. In a microservices architecture, an application is broken down into smaller, independent services that communicate over a network. 

Containers provide an appropriate environment for these services, as they can be individually packaged, deployed, and scaled. Each microservice can be developed and deployed in its container, ensuring that dependencies are encapsulated and services are not affected by changes in other parts of the application. 

CI/CD Pipelines

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines enable teams to automate the testing and deployment of their applications. Containers are useful in CI/CD pipelines as they provide consistent environments for building, testing, and deploying applications. This consistency ensures that the application behaves the same way in development, testing, and production environments.

Containers also streamline the CI/CD process by allowing for immutable builds. Once an application is containerized, the same container can move through the pipeline from development to production, ensuring that no changes occur along the way. This immutability reduces inconsistencies and errors, making deployments more reliable and efficient.

Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Environments

Containers are inherently cloud-agnostic, allowing organizations to deploy applications across different cloud environments without modification. This flexibility supports a more resilient and cost-effective cloud strategy.

Containers also facilitate the integration of on-premises and cloud resources in hybrid cloud environments. Applications can be easily moved between on-premises data centers and cloud platforms, allowing organizations to maintain control over sensitive data while leveraging the scalability and efficiency of the cloud. 

Challenges of Containerized Applications 

While containers are making the development process more efficient, they also introduce some challenges.


The shared OS model of containers means that if an attacker compromises the host system, all containers on that system could be at risk. Additionally, containers often require significant privileges to operate, which can increase the attack surface if not managed properly. Another risk is container images, which could contain malicious or unsafe components and spread them to all containers based on the image.

Ensuring container security involves securing the container images, the container runtime, and the host system. Vulnerabilities in any component can lead to security breaches. Organizations must implement robust security practices, such as using trusted base images, scanning for vulnerabilities, and applying the principle of least privilege to container deployments.

Networking Complexity

Containers often need to communicate with each other across different hosts and networks, requiring sophisticated networking configurations and security policies. Managing this complexity without compromising performance or security can be challenging.

Solutions such as container network interfaces (CNI) and service meshes are designed to address these challenges by providing more straightforward, scalable networking options for containers. These tools offer features like load balancing, service discovery, and secure communication, simplifying the networking aspect of container management.

Persistent Storage

Containers are ephemeral by nature, which means that any data stored in a container’s writable layer is lost when the container is destroyed. This behavior complicates the handling of persistent data, which must survive beyond the lifecycle of individual containers.

This problem can be addressed by integrating containers with persistent storage solutions. This integration can be achieved through volumes, which are directories on the host system or in a networked storage system that containers can access. 

Best Practices for Managing Containerized Applications 

Organizations can take several measures to ensure their container-based applications are properly managed.

Regularly Scan Container Images for Vulnerabilities

The container vulnerability scanning process involves using tools to automatically detect security issues within the images before they are deployed. By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities early, organizations can prevent potential security breaches and ensure that their containerized applications remain secure.

Use Trusted Base Images

The security and reliability of containerized applications start with the base images used to create them. It’s crucial to use base images from trusted, reputable sources. These images should be minimal, containing only the necessary packages and tools required for the application to run. This minimizes the attack surface and reduces the potential for vulnerabilities.

Keep Container Images Small and Simple

Creating smaller and simpler container images is crucial for improving security and performance. By including only the necessary binaries and libraries needed to run the application, you reduce the potential attack surface for security threats. Smaller images also lead to faster pull and deployment times, which is vital in environments where speed and efficiency are critical.

Establish Container Security Policies 

Establishing robust container security policies is essential for safeguarding your containerized applications. These policies should cover the entire container lifecycle, from image creation to runtime operation. Key aspects include using signed images to ensure authenticity, implementing network policies to control traffic between containers, and enforcing access controls and privileges based on the principle of least privilege.

Use Container Orchestration Platforms

Container orchestration platforms, such as Kubernetes and Docker Swarm, are essential tools for managing containerized applications at scale. These platforms automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containers, making it easier to ensure that applications are running efficiently and reliably. They offer features such as self-healing, automated rollouts and rollbacks, and load balancing.

Microservices Monitoring with Lumigo

Lumigo is a cloud native observability tool, purpose-built to navigate the complexities of microservices. Through automated distributed tracing, Lumigo is able to stitch together the distributed components of an application in one complete view, and track every service of every request. Taking an agentless approach to monitoring, Lumigo sees through the black boxes of third parties, APIs and managed services, 

With Lumigo users can:

  • See the end-to-end path of a transaction and full system map of applications
  • Monitor and debug third party APIs and managed services (ex. Amazon DynamoDB, Twilio, Stripe)
  • Go from alert to root cause analysis in one click
  • Understand system behavior and explore performance and cost issues 
  • Group services into business contexts

Get started with a free trial of Lumigo for your microservice applications