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ECS vs. Kubernetes: 6 Key Differences and How to Choose

What Is Kubernetes? 

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration tool originally developed by Google. It automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. 

Kubernetes supports a range of container runtimes and runs applications across clusters of machines, providing mechanisms for deployment, maintenance, and scaling of applications. This orchestration helps in managing the lifecycle of containers, ensuring higher availability and efficient resource utilization.

The platform’s key features include automated rollouts and rollbacks, secret and configuration management, self-healing capabilities, and horizontal scaling. Kubernetes uses a declarative configuration to manage system state, which makes it easier for users to maintain the desired structure. It integrates with cloud providers and on-premises infrastructure, enhancing.

What Is AWS ECS (Amazon Elastic Compute Service)? 

Amazon Elastic Compute Service, or ECS, is a container orchestration service managed by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Unlike Kubernetes, ECS is a proprietary solution built into the AWS ecosystem, which means it can leverage deep integrations with other AWS services. 

ECS simplifies the provisioning, scaling, and maintenance of containers and supports Docker containers natively, making it suitable for applications running within the AWS cloud ecosystem. It can manage the infrastructure underlying containers, abstracting the complexities involved in container orchestration. 

Users can choose between using AWS Fargate, allowing serverless container running, or performing granular control over clusters using EC2 instances. ECS provides built-in integrations with AWS services like CloudWatch, IAM, and Route 53, simplifying the process of application deployment and monitoring.

This is part of a series of articles about AWS ECS

Kubernetes vs. AWS ECS: The Key Differences 

There are several significant differences between these two platforms.

1. Application Deployment

Kubernetes offers a configurable and extensible architecture suitable for varied deployments. Users define deployments with YAML or JSON files, allowing control over application states and ensuring consistency in multi-environment deployments. Helm charts help simplify complex application setups, making it easier to deploy and manage multi-tier applications.

ECS simplifies deployment through the AWS Management Console, CLI tools, and ECS-specific APIs. Its tight integration with AWS services ensures seamless deployment processes, especially for applications already using AWS’s toolset. However, ECS lacks the same level of customizability as Kubernetes, which may be a drawback for applications needing custom deployment configurations.

2. Autoscaling

Kubernetes uses the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler, which automatically adjusts the number of pods based on CPU utilization or other custom metrics. This feature is useful for maintaining performance under varying loads, ensuring applications scale efficiently without manual intervention. Cluster Autoscaler manages node scaling based on the resource requirements of the pods.

ECS integrates with the AWS Auto Scaling service to adjust the number of tasks and manage EC2 instances. ECS Auto Scaling is simple to set up and provides extensive scaling capabilities, especially when combined with AWS Fargate. However, it may not offer the same degree of flexibility in scaling policies compared to Kubernetes’ native tools.

3. Load Balancing

Kubernetes uses built-in load balancing with kube-proxy and supports external load balancers. It provides fine-grained control using Ingress resources, enabling complex routing and SSL termination scenarios. This flexibility is important for managing application traffic efficiently across multiple nodes and services.

ECS uses AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) services, including Application Load Balancers (ALBs) and Network Load Balancers (NLBs). These services are deeply integrated with ECS, simplifying setup and providing high performance and reliability. ECS users benefit from AWS’s load balancing infrastructure.

4. Networking

Kubernetes provides a flexible networking model, supporting pod-to-pod communication across nodes using CNI (Container Network Interface) plugins. This flexibility is useful for complex networking scenarios, enabling policies and isolation levels tailored to application needs.

ECS uses the AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) network, ensuring integration with existing AWS infrastructure. Tasks can run in a VPC with native networking capabilities. While this integration simplifies networking on AWS, it might limit some advanced configurations.

5. Storage Management

Kubernetes supports a range of persistent storage options, integrating with various cloud providers and on-premises solutions. Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) and Storage Classes automate storage provisioning, giving administrators granular control over storage policies and performance characteristics.

ECS uses AWS storage solutions like EBS (Elastic Block Store) and EFS (Elastic File System). These storage services offer scalable options for persistent data management within ECS environments. These services may not provide the same level of abstraction and flexibility found in Kubernetes’s storage management.

6. Security

Kubernetes implements RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) to manage authorization and integrates with various tools for secrets management and ensuring secure communication between services. Network policies help define firewall rules, promoting strong security postures for applications.

ECS leverages IAM (Identity and Access Management) for fine-grained access control and integrates natively with AWS Key Management Service (KMS) for secrets management. Enhanced security features, such as VPC isolation and encryption at rest, provide added layers of protection. However, Kubernetes’s granular security policies might offer more customization options.

7. Pricing

Kubernetes incurs costs related to infrastructure, operational overheads, and potential third-party integrations. While the software itself is open-source, managing a Kubernetes cluster can result in considerable expenses, depending on the scale and complexity of deployments.

ECS follows a pay-as-you-go pricing model tied to the AWS services used, such as EC2 instances or Fargate tasks. This model can be cost-efficient for AWS-centric applications but may not be as flexible or predictable for varying workloads compared to Kubernetes options.

8. Ecosystem and Community

Kubernetes has a large community, contributing to rapid innovation and extensive third-party tool support. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) governs its development, ensuring a broad range of integrations and compliance with industry standards.

ECS benefits from AWS’s extensive ecosystem, although it lacks the Kubernetes community’s scale and vibrancy. However, its strong documentation and AWS’s customer support ensure users have access to extensive resources and assistance, primarily geared towards AWS-centric deployments.

Related content: Read our guide to ECS monitoring

Amazon ECS vs Kubernetes How to Choose? 

Choosing between Amazon ECS and Kubernetes can be a challenging decision for organizations aiming to optimize their container orchestration strategies. Here are key considerations to help guide this decision-making process:

  • Integration with existing infrastructure: Consider how well each platform integrates with existing infrastructure. Kubernetes offers broad compatibility with various cloud providers and on-premises environments, providing flexibility for hybrid and multi-cloud deployments. ECS is deeply integrated with AWS services, making it a natural choice for organizations already invested in the AWS ecosystem.
  • Customizability and extensibility: Kubernetes allows users to configure deployments, scaling policies, and networking with great precision. Its support for a wide range of plugins and extensions enables users to tailor the platform to their needs. ECS prioritizes simplicity and ease of use, which can be beneficial for users who prefer a more straightforward setup with fewer customization requirements.
  • Learning curve and management overhead: The complexity of Kubernetes can present a steep learning curve for new users. Managing a Kubernetes cluster often requires a deep understanding of its components and configuration options, leading to higher management overhead. ECS is more user-friendly, with AWS handling much of the underlying infrastructure management. This can significantly reduce the operational burden, especially for smaller teams.
  • Innovation and future-proofing: Kubernetes’s open-source nature and broad community support provide strong future-proofing. The platform continuously incorporates new features and technologies driven by a collaborative community. ECS, while benefiting from AWS’s innovation, is subject to the strategic direction of a single vendor. This means that organizations must align their strategies with AWS’s roadmap.

AWS ECS with Lumigo

For all the benefits that AWS ECS brings to developing and running containers, these distributed applications still need observability to ensure they run at the highest performance, with the greatest reliability to deliver seamless customer experiences. 

Lumigo is a cloud native observability platform purpose-built for microservice applications that provides deep visibility into applications and infrastructure, enabling users to easily monitor and troubleshoot their applications running on Amazon ECS. 

  • Trace end-to-end applications running on Amazon ECS, AWS Lambda and consuming AWS services and 3rd party APIs 
  • Easily monitor and debug ECS clusters and underlying services and tasks in real-time 
  • Setup automatic alerts to notify you in Slack, Pagerduty and other workflow tools 

Get started with Lumigo today!