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Kubernetes vs. Docker Swarm: Pros/Cons and 6 Key Differences

What Is Kubernetes? 

Kubernetes is an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating application containers. Initially developed by Google, it has quickly become the industry standard for container orchestration. 

Kubernetes simplifies the complex task of managing container distribution across a cluster of machines, enhancing applications’ efficiency and reliability.

The platform provides a range of features, including service discovery, load balancing, storage orchestration, and automated rollouts and rollbacks. It allows users to maintain a desired state for their applications by automatically placing containers based on their resource requirements and other constraints while also taking care of scaling and application failover.

What Is Docker Swarm? 

Docker Swarm is a container orchestration tool, part of Docker, which focuses on simplicity and ease of use when managing clusters of Docker containers. As a native clustering tool for Docker, Swarm allows for the ability to turn a group of Docker engines into a single, virtual Docker engine. 

This simplicity makes Docker Swarm an attractive option for those beginning with containerization and seeking straightforward scaling and deployment capabilities.

Swarm provides basic functionalities such as container scheduling and networking, essential for deploying and managing containers across multiple hosts. It deeply integrates with the Docker ecosystem, ensuring seamless operation for Docker-based applications. 

This is part of a series of articles about Kubernetes monitoring

Kubernetes Advantages 

Extensive Functionality

Kubernetes offers features that address almost every aspect of container orchestration. Its functionalities include auto-scaling, automated rollouts and rollbacks, and self-healing capabilities, wherein failed containers are automatically replaced and rescheduled. 

These extensive features enable complex, high-availability deployments managed through declarative configuration. This ensures that the state of the applications running within the Kubernetes cluster matches the users’ expectations. The platform supports various workload types, including stateless applications and stateful and batch processing. 

Unified API and Cluster State Guarantees

Kubernetes ensures a consistent and predictable cluster state through its unified API. The API provides a single source of truth for the entire cluster, allowing for seamless application interaction regardless of complexity. Through this consistency, users can automate deployments, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters, simplifying the management of containerized systems.

Strong Community and Adoption

Kubernetes benefits from an active and diverse community, contributing to its rapid development and constant innovation. This community supports a large ecosystem of tools, integrations, and extensions designed to enhance and simplify Kubernetes deployments. With large-scale adoption by tech giants and small startups alike, Kubernetes users can access knowledge and resources, facilitating easier implementation and troubleshooting.

Kubernetes Drawbacks 


The extensive range of features and configurations can be overwhelming, especially for new users. Setting up and maintaining a Kubernetes cluster requires deep technical knowledge and careful planning to ensure security, performance, and reliability. This steep learning curve can deter smaller teams or projects from adopting Kubernetes, opting instead for simpler solutions.

Frequent Updates

Kubernetes evolves through rapid and frequent updates, with new versions released several times yearly. While these updates provide additional functionality, performance, and security improvements, they pose challenges for users. Keeping up with the latest changes and ensuring compatibility can require significant effort, particularly for large-scale deployments.

Overhead for Small Projects

For small projects or teams, the overhead associated with setting up and managing a Kubernetes cluster can outweigh its benefits. The resources required for running Kubernetes, both in terms of infrastructure and administrative effort, might not be justifiable for simple applications or limited-scale deployments. Smaller projects often require simpler, more straightforward solutions that do not demand extensive orchestration capabilities.

Related content: Read our guide to Kubernetes debugging

Docker Swarm Advantages 

Native Docker Integration

Docker Swarm offers tight integration with the Docker ecosystem, providing a seamless experience for teams already using Docker. Existing Docker applications and commands can be easily adapted to scale across a Swarm cluster, reducing the learning curve and simplifying operations. Using this approach, you can leverage familiar Docker CLI commands to orchestrate tasks, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Intelligent Scheduling

Docker Swarm enables intelligent container scheduling, ensuring optimal utilization of underlying resources. It automatically assigns containers to nodes based on the available CPU, memory, and other constraints, facilitating efficient scaling and resilience. Swarm’s scheduling decisions also consider node availability, striving to distribute workloads evenly and recover from failures automatically.

Built-In Swarm API

Swarm provides a built-in API that simplifies cluster management and integration with other tools and systems. This API offers easy access to Swarm’s capabilities, allowing for programmable control over the cluster and its services. You can automate deployment, scaling, and management tasks through the API, integrating seamlessly with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and other automation tools.

Docker Swarm Drawbacks 

Limited Customization and Extensions

While Docker Swarm’s simplicity benefits ease of use, it results in limited customization and extension capabilities compared to more complex orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. Users may find constraints in adapting Swarm to unique or advanced use cases, as it lacks the large ecosystem of plugins and tools available with Kubernetes. 

Reduced Functionality

Compared to Kubernetes, Docker Swarm offers a narrow set of features, focusing on the core needs of container scheduling and management. While this streamlined approach benefits users seeking simplicity, it may not suffice for complex, dynamically scaling applications. Essential capabilities like auto-scaling, advanced networking, and storage options are more limited in Swarm.

Challenges in Environment Separation

Docker Swarm faces challenges in effectively separating environments within the same cluster, such as development, testing, and production. While feasible, implementing robust isolation requires additional configurations and considerations, potentially complicating operations and increasing the risk of errors.

Kubernetes vs. Docker Swarm: 6 Key Differences 

Here is a comparison of how Kubernetes and Docker Swarm work.

1. Installation and Setup

Kubernetes installation and setup are complex, requiring a deep understanding of its components and configuration options to deploy a cluster securely and efficiently.

Docker Swarm’s installation process is straightforward. It seamlessly integrates into existing Docker environments with minimal configuration, making it ideal for teams seeking quick deployment.

2. Deployment

When deploying applications, Kubernetes provides a highly configurable environment supporting various workloads, including stateless, stateful, and batch processes. It offers detailed control over how applications are deployed and scaled, enabling precise management of containerized applications across clusters. 

Docker Swarm offers a more streamlined deployment process with fewer configuration options. Its approach is particularly suited to straightforward applications, providing sufficient control for basic scaling and management without the overhead and complexity of Kubernetes.

3. Autoscaling

Kubernetes supports autoscaling, allowing applications to dynamically adjust their size based on performance metrics and predefined policies. This feature ensures efficient utilization of resources and optimal application performance under varying loads. 

While offering basic scaling capabilities, Docker Swarm lacks the same sophisticated autoscaling mechanisms in Kubernetes. Its simpler model often requires manual scaling decisions, potentially leading to over-provisioning or under-utilizing resources.

4. Storage

Kubernetes offers advanced storage capabilities, supporting a range of storage backends and configurations. This allows for persistent storage, which is essential for stateful applications, and has high flexibility and control. 

Docker Swarm’s storage options are simpler, emphasizing ease of use but offering fewer configurations and integrations. While sufficient for many use cases, Swarm may not cater to complex, stateful applications requiring intricate storage setups.

5. Security

Kubernetes provides comprehensive security features, including role-based access control (RBAC), secrets management, and network policies, enabling fine-grained security configurations tailored to specific application and organization requirements. 

While offering basic security features, Docker Swarm lacks the depth and flexibility of Kubernetes’ security model. Its more straightforward approach may suffice for less complex environments but might not meet the stringent security requirements of larger, more complex deployments.

6. Load Balancing

Load balancing in Kubernetes is highly configurable. It supports both internal and external traffic with advanced routing capabilities. This allows for efficient traffic distribution across services, enhancing application performance and reliability. 

Docker Swarm provides simpler, effective load-balancing mechanisms tightly integrated with Docker services. While it covers the basic needs of containerized applications, it may not offer the same level of control and options as Kubernetes.

Kubernetes vs. Docker Swarm: How to Choose? 

When deciding between Kubernetes and Docker Swarm for container orchestration, consider the following factors to guide your choice:

  • Project complexity and scale: Kubernetes is often the preferred choice for complex applications requiring high availability, scalability, and rich features. Docker Swarm is better suited for simpler, smaller-scale projects or teams starting with containerization.
  • Team expertise and resources: Kubernetes demands a steep learning curve and significant resources for setup and management, making it more suitable for teams with the expertise or willingness to invest in learning. Docker Swarm’s simplicity and ease of use make it accessible for teams with limited resources.
  • Integration and ecosystem: Kubernetes boasts a vast ecosystem and community, offering extensive support, tools, and integrations. This can be decisive for teams relying on various tools and services. Docker Swarm, while offering tight integration with Docker, has a more limited ecosystem.
  • Security and compliance: Kubernetes’ advanced security features and configurations may be necessary for environments where security and compliance are critical. Docker Swarm provides basic security features, which might suffice for less stringent environments.
  • Future-proofing and scalability: Kubernetes is designed to scale with your application and infrastructure needs, making it a future-proof choice for projects expected to grow. Docker Swarm can efficiently handle scalability to a certain extent but may fall short for large-scale, complex deployments.
  • Cost considerations: Consider the total cost of ownership, including infrastructure costs, personnel training, and ongoing management. Kubernetes may require a larger initial investment but can offer more efficient resource utilization in large-scale environments. Docker Swarm might be more cost-effective for smaller projects.

Container Monitoring and Troubleshooting with Lumigo

Lumigo is a troubleshooting platform that is purpose-built for microservice-based applications. When using Kubernetes and Docker Swarm to orchestrate containerized applications, you can use Lumigo to monitor, trace, and troubleshoot issues quickly. Deployed with zero-code changes and automated in one click, Lumigo stitches every interaction between micro and managed service into end-to-end stack traces. These traces served alongside request payload data, giving complete visibility into container environments. Using Lumigo, developers get:

End-to-end virtual stack traces across every micro and managed service that makes up a serverless application, in context

  • API visibility that makes all the data passed between services available and accessible, making it possible to perform root cause analysis without digging through logs 
  • Distributed tracing that is deployed with no code and automated in one click 
  • A unified platform to explore and query across microservices, see a real-time view of applications, and optimize performance

To try out more about Lumigo for Kubernetes, check out our Kubernetes operator on GitHub